
Example garage door lock pricing

1 x hour labour for lock change £60
1 x Henderson type T handle £35

Total £94

We do not charge or add VAT
Check our rates HERE

Garage doors

These tend to be of up and over style although in parts of Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock pairs of timber swinging garage doors are also seen. With the up and over style it's easy to think they are all the same. Whilst the door and mechanisms can be, there are a number of locks available. The lock must be the correct type as retro fitting means drilling new holes which should be avoided.

We carry most types of garage door locks to avoid the above problem and can normally change the lock there and then providing new keys to your garage.


Whilst perhaps not used for anything expensive, surface mounted "skeleton key" locks are literally pretty much useless and should be avoided, one key fits all! Please call us for an alternative if you would like to be a little more secure.